Saturday, December 5, 2009

So so scandales ..

itu la yg di nama kn dlm hubungan yg xde ikatan..ahahahha aku xtaw knp skrg aku rasekn yg aku lbh selesa & senang dgn org yg xde apa2 ikatan.. dlu yg 1st si M , skrg plak si A(xleh bgtaw nme nyeee) :)
klu aku cpl dgn seseorg tuh membuat kn aku ase aku kurang xde apa2 ikatan xsemestinya aku nk main2kn perasaan org .. bg aku enjoy sgt tp im not a BITCH ~!

Now im realise that im a bit Fall In Love with this guy.He is so funny,happy go lucky,friendly n much moreee! and thats make me like him & fall in love with him even he have a gf..
DEAR GOD,please let my heart n my feelings not too much fall in love with this guy .im so scared if once again happen to me like before when im falling with M. :(
I know my mistake like & falling with him but... hummmmmmm wut can i say that i can't stop it ~!
Hope that god can save me,before it become a BIG BIG PROBLEM into my life.

Now i just slow down & go with the flow with more more carefully..
But im so happy with this guy even we are just a friend & a bit scandales :) hehehehhe.
He always make me to ADORE him. ! ahahahahha

Nk cari yang serius BF , aku rasa buat masa sekarang kurang untuk memerlukan serius relationship.Im still young & i need to enjoy my self and searching a money for my self & my future !!!!!!